Wester Star's
Highway Heroes
Volume 3

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Highway Heroes Vol 3 celebrates Western Star trucks 30thanniversary in Australia with a series of short films about some unique Western Star operators from the southern tip of Tasmania through to the livestock road-trains in Far North Queensland. One thing’s for sure though, all these operators have more than a few things in common.

For starters, they are fiercely proud of their Western Stars.

Volume 3

Super Star: When Noel Quinn started spreading fertiliser over three decades ago with a second-hand ex-army truck, he never envisaged that the business would have grown to its current volume or that super-spreading equipment would have advanced so far.Today we join Noel’s son Darren who wheels their latest bulk fertiliser hauler, a Western Star 4800FX.

Chipping Away: We braved the cold and at 7am, 26 kilometres east of Scottsdale, Tasmania, where a thick blanket of fog hung over the Branxholm Valley we climbed from the warmth of the cabin and filmed Calvin Jones, or Bimbo as he’s better known, pull his 4900 Western Star under the sawdust bin at the Branxholm sawmill.

Conquering the Continent: We catch up with Tex Sheppard who trucks a double road-train load of bananas 5000 kilometres across the continent from Townsville in Far North Queensland to Perth in Western Australia in an immaculate 4900 Western Star.

The Drover’s Dream: We journeyed to Richmond, Queensland to join Terry Pattel and his 6900 Western Star on a run to a remote cattle station further north to collect a triple road-train load of cattle. The deep rutted dirt roads ensured there was plenty of dust along the way.

Plus much more…

DVD Info

Region: 2
Running Time: 90 minutes

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