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The Tractor Working Field at the Onslow Park Steam Engine Rally grows in popularity every year and 2004 saw over 100 tractors and crawlers entered in this section.

The entrants ranged from a 1916 Saunderson and Mills with drag plough through to a Cat D8 with cultivator. Rock Island, Rumeley, International, John Deere, Austin, Hart Parr, Fordson, Case, Lanz and Massey Harris are represented in the pre-1940 category.

Allis Chalmers, David Brown, Case, Oliver, Ferguson, Massey Ferguson, Fordson, Field Marshall, Lanz, Chamberlain, International, John Deere, Nuffield, BMC and Minneapolis Moline are featured in the post-1940 section.

Caterpillar, Fowler, David Brown and Allis Chalmer models featured in the Crawler section. David White's Ferguson Meadows Diesel is also seen a work.

Working in an area of standing oats were a Dronningborg pto trailer combine, a 1946 McCormick Deering baler, an International McCormick binder and a 1950s self-propelled Minneapolis Moline baler.

DVD Info

Region: 2
Running Time: 104 minutes

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