By Vilendal Gundogs

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This film is about Working Retrievers - mainly Labradors and Golden Retreivers and their use as working gundogs. Vilendal Gundogs will in this production give you an insight into what is their main pastime and passion.

The following subjects are covered in the film:

How to choose a puppy from working lines, its upbringing and preparation for the shooting field. Lena and Henrik train their own retreivers and pick up with a team of well trained Labradors and one Golden Retreiver. They also shoot over their dogs and run them in Working Tests and Field Trials.

We talk to:

  • Royal Headkeeper and Panel A Judge, John Stubbs, Windsor Great Park
  • Professional gundog trainer and Panel A Judge, Alan Thornton, Willowyck Gundogs
  • David Dale, shooting instructor with NCSC at Bisley
  • Meet Philip Fussel on a days shooting with the Mortimer West End Syndicate

DVD Info

Region: 2
Running Time: 60 minutes

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